

 In numbers 2017 had 42 videos, 25 weddings, and 84 plane hours. 
I feel like those 3 categories really sum up what I've been up to this year hah! Lots and lots of planes, trains, and automobiles as I checked 2 countries off my list and traveled back and forth a lot of places filming videos. I couldn't believe how many I'd done after adding it all up! 
I always love ringing in a new year because nostalgia is my specialty. (If you're a blog reader you know I even ring in new months haha) so I LOVE looking back on the year along with everybody else. These year in review pictures are mostly just fun for me to look back on so this year I decided to pick out 17 pictures that I thought best represented this year:
The beginning (and into the middle) of 2017 was spent freezing my booty off at Utah State. It already feels like so long ago but I still have lots of memories of trekking through 6 feet of snow to art and stats class.  
I had lots of trips back to Las Vegas during the winter of 2017 also. Home became my sanctuary as I really learned the value of family. The people in this little circle truly are the best I've got!
Going to Paris in March with my best friend was a dream come true! Me and Syd were so silly with each other and never got bored just wandering around that magical city. Seeing the Eiffel Tower for the first time was honestly one of the best moments of my life and definitely of this year! 
The first of my close high school girl friend group to get married! I had so much fun spending time with those girls and creating new wedding eve friend traditions. I love seeing my friends so genuinely happy. Also its 20 times more fun to film your best friends wedding.  
 5. Park with the babies
A typical summer day was spent making breakfast, walking to the park, making lunch, nap time, and play time with these kids! It was so low stress and exactly the kind of job I needed during that season of life.
Summers stop being fun after you graduate high school I'm just gonna say it! Everybody spreads out and does their own thing whether that be studying abroad, traveling with their husband for sales, family vacations, or staying at school. Syd and Lex were around Vegas with me for lots of it though and it was so much fun to romp around our city and take little road trips (possibly for the last time all together!) One of the hi lights was visiting Lexi right after her school got out in San Diego.
Another family is important picture. It was definitely a hi light of the summer getting to relax in Bear Lake and spend time together. Gabrielle kept me laughing literally the entire time. After spending so much time apart at college it reminded me that she is my best friend!
I love exploring new cities but had such a great time going back to this one. San Francisco was one of the first places I visited when I started my blogging/traveling/photo taking phase of life 4 years ago. It was a reminder and re charge of that creative energy and so much fun to hang out with my family also.
Second best friend down! I had way too much fun planning Hannah's bridal shower. The theme was white in honor of her new last name and the puns have yet to stop. I love any excuse to have our crew all back together too!
I had such a fabulous birthday and was stoked to say goodbye to 18 and move on to the next chapter. I always love my birthday because it is perfect timing to mark the beginning of a brand new semester and season of life.
Moving to Provo and transferring to UVU was a tough decision but ultimately such a good one! By the time my move came around in August it was very exciting since I'd been anticipating it since February! I love these 3 girls that share the 245 with me
One of the best parts about making the move was the new friend group that I made! I had so much fun before things got crazy busy with weddings and traveling going to parties and hanging out with them.
I feel like my dreams come true a little bit when my best friend's dreams come true because they're things we talked about and dreamed about together for as long as I can remember! Friends weddings are SO fun and the best kind of get together and celebration 
Definitely one of the biggest hi lights of this year. Getting to visit Florence, Venice, Milan, and Rome  after spontaneously booking cheap tickets was a dream come true. I loved getting to rekindle old friendships and strengthen new ones on this crazy trek around Italy. 
The museum of ice cream was one of the best trips of my life because it had no expectations. It was impulsive and not talked about very much until it was actually happening which made for such good and unexpected memories. Bethany wrote on the quote wall in the museum "rule one have fun" and it became a new motto for my trips and life in general. JUST HAVE FUN!
16. Filming Filming Filming
Dana Gaydon took this photo of me while I was filming the most incredible wedding in Palm Springs with her. This picture really sums up a lot of my 2017 - standing by dessert tables with a tripod in hand and watching married people kiss! I wouldn't want it any other way though!!
17. Captain Dan
to CAP the year off we have exciting news about Dad upgrading to captain! It's been a lifetime and 12,000+ flight hours in the making. 

2017 was so sweet!

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