I've been trying to put a big emphasis on being thankful every day- telling all of my friends that I love them and all of the people that serve me I am grateful for what they do. Particularly I try to write down my 3 good things a day. So this Thanksgiving I hardly feel overcome with gratitude because I try to be this way all the time (if that makes any sense at all). When we went around my dinner table to say what we are grateful for, it felt slightly anti-climactic because I am always acknowledging my many blessings these days. But just in summary, I'm grateful for my testimony and knowledge that the gospel is true, I'm grateful for wonderful parents, siblings, and extended family who have taught me this through their examples and words, I'm grateful for the opportunities that are popping up in my life, I'm grateful for all the progression that I have made in the past few years, I'm grateful that my future is bright, I'm grateful for all the people who have been placed in my path to lift me up and help me become the best version of myself, and I'm grateful that I can't think of a single thing to put on my college applications where it says, "describe the biggest challenge that you have faced," because I have been so incredibly blessed in every aspect of my life. My heart is so full because of everything Heavenly Father gives me daily. I truly have a charmed life.
a full daily gratitude list can be found here>>
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