

ONE YEAR! I can not believe how long it's been since Dylan left to Fort Lauderdale! (to find out more about what he's doing there for one more year click HERE
I absolutely love any excuse to run errands, buy gifts, and get a little creative. Especially during the summer as I have quite a bit of extra time. I'm super mad at myself for not taking more pictures of what I included but I wanted to just list it out anyways. While scouring pinterest and other's blogs for ideas it was hard to find anything my style. Missionaries are so hard to shop for because they have very little wants! So just in case anybody was struggling in that area I hope this can be a little source of inspo. 

+ new tie (obviously)
+ Las Vegas temple tie clip
+ new socks
+ t-shirt for p-day
+ paper, envelopes, and stamps
(I was SO proud of the stamps I found... they have little Spanish foods on them!!)
+ printed pictures of Las Vegas and a few from my camera roll
+ clif bars and snacks
+ toothpaste (that's like the only thing he actually asked for? lol)

But I had so much fun throwing all this together and obviously TOO much fun decorating the inside of that box haha! I joked in Dylan's email that I have a testimony of shopping for missionaries but I REALLY do! I love being able to support the important work in any little way possible. 

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