

If you look on April 13th's list you'll see that one of the things I was grateful for was being a part of the 1%. That day on twitter there was a little quiz going around (silly, I know) that you could take to see how "privileged" you are (the link to it is here). I took it just to pass time while I was getting a pedicure (the fact that I took it while I was doing that just goes to show...) on a day that I was really, really having a hard time. Even though it was all in good fun and quite meaningless it reminded me that I am so so lucky. The problems that keep me up at night are not near as large as some people in this world face and I am so lucky. It was a good reminder to me that even on my bad days people in the world would pray for the things I take for granted. 
"Cultivating a spirit of thanksgiving will change your life's perspective upside down"
It's really true. With that said here is April's gratitude list in all it's glory:

4/30- Dylan for being the most amazing prom date ever, Gabrielle for taking the best prom pictures ever, online shopping for helping me find the best dress ever, hearing Elder Holland speak
4/29- Robby (for being such a great best friends boyfriend), game night, frozen pizza 
4/28- the notes app of my phone, pedicures, the power of fasting
4/27- the laws babysitting jobs, senior pictures, sweet smelling candles
4/26- clear skin, pretty Las Vegas skies, running
4/25- volleyball games, self tanner, beaded dresses
4/24- Eagle Scouts, the Catch, Gabrielle coming home from Disneyland 
4/23- Dylan Hafen, Elizas backyard, desert rose florist
4/22- filming pretty bridals in the mountains, no homework weekends, trips to fashion show with the best shopping buddies
4/21- menchies, good friends, my dad 
4/20- ties.com, the butterfly garden, random Wednesday photo shoots 
4/19- target, Thomas S. Monson biographies, my testimony of tithing 
4/18- hotel reservations, French manicures, Hannah 
4/17- Heavenly Father cares even about the little things, Elder Holland, ASOS
4/16- random emails from blog readers, Maddie Fischer's tv reccomendations, the last PVHS carnival I'll have to set up
4/15- serendipity 3, vsco, MaCall McClellan
4/14- my parents, sister nights with just Gabs, Sam Hunter
4/13- the fact that the biggest problem in my life right now is not having a prom date, new clothes, being a part of the 1%
4/12- Corbin for slapping some sense into everyone, new babysitting jobs, Birchbox subscriptions that come in right at the best time 
4/11- menchies, volleyball games, feeling good after a run
4/10- friends that aren't competition, the gospel, new microphones for videos
4/9- mornings, weddings, having to pull dads truck in (because it means I have a dad that is home)
4/8- craft camp girls, cookie dough, nights you go home and fall right asleep
4/7- Jacob Judd tutoring sessions, volleyball games, cream with friends 
4/6- excedrin, calling in sick to work, prom posters
4/5- spontaneous flights to SLC, CORBIN, cherry blossom trees
4/4- Syd Stagg (just assume she's the 4th thing I'm grateful for from here on out), being in the loop of prom ring leaders, fashion show mall (again)
4/3- prophetic words, wise counsel, coconut oil 
4/2- general conference, frisbee, a good future room mate 
4/1- fashion show mall, Elizas hot tub, pajamas

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