

 this past week was the annual winter week. It's the week before winter break- the week that every day we all dress up in something wintery (even if it may only be 60 degrees outside), the week that we volunteer in fun places like the magical forest, the week that you can find christmas ornaments hanging from the trees in the quad. These little things just make it a little easier for our tired bodies to struggle through the last five days until the much anticipated winter break. It's the most wonderful week of the year.
 it was not nearly cold enough for us to be dressed like this…
 we woke up like this (but not really)
 volunteer worker: "ok we need somebody to dress up as a character"
*Bethany very excitedly runs over to the dressing room to put on her costume*
*volunteer worker holds up the moose head*
*Bethany shoots me and Lexi the look of "what the heck did i just get myself into???"*
 the nativity was also a pretty grand time. It's one of my favorite Christmas traditions.
the fam all dressed up for our ward Christmas party
 a little christmas letter for everybody
 and my little Trader Jo's Christmas tree… it was $15 well spent

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